Mmlim14's Blog


Posted on: July 4, 2013

TMJ 1 (07/01/13)

Dear Jesus, please help me in all of the things that I have to do this day. Thank you for all the blessings that You have given me. I hope that You may guide me the rest of the day.

TMJ 2 (07/04/13)

Dear Jesus, thank you for this day. I am sorry for all of the mistakes that I did and I ask for Your forgiveness. I ask You to please guide me in all the things that I do.

TMJ 3 (07/05/13)

Dear Jesus, I pray that You may guide me for the rest of the day and stay by my side. Forgive me for all of the things that I did wrong in the past and please help me so that I will not commit those mistakes again.

TMJ 4 (07/08/13)

Dear Jesus,  I ask for Your guidance so that all that I do is according to Your will. Thank you for all of the gifts that You have bestowed upon me. Please forgive me for all of the sins that I committed and I ask for Your help so that I may never do them again.

TMJ 5 (07/10/13)

Dear Jesus, thank you for this day. Forgive me for all the mistakes that I have done. Please help me in all that I will do today so that I may do everything to the best of my ability.

TMJ  6 (07/15/13)

Dear Jesus, thank you for giving me this day. I am sorry for making mistakes and I ask that You may help me in the future so that I will not do them again.

TMJ 7 (07/16/13)

Dear Jesus, I ask for Your help so that I may be able to do all of my tasks to the best of my ability. I am sorry for all of the times I may have let You down and I ask for forgiveness. Thank you for this day and may You continue to guide me.

TMJ 8 (07/25/13)

Dear Jesus, thank you for all of the things you have given to me. I ask that You may forgive me for all of my sins and I also ask for Your help in all that I do.

TMJ 9 (07/26/13)

Dear Jesus, please forgive me for all of the sins that I have done. I want to thank You for all of the blessings that You have given me today. Please continue to guide always as the UPCAT draws nearer.

TMJ 10 (07/30/13)

Dear Jesus, please continue to guide and help me in all that I do especially now as the UPCAT approaches. I am sorry for all my sins and I ask for Your forgiveness.

TMJ 11 (08/02/13)

Dear Jesus, thank you for this day. I am sorry for all of the bad things that I have done and I ask for forgiveness. Please continue to guide me in all that I do and please give me wisdom for the UPCAT tomorrow.

TMJ 12 (08/05/13)

Dear Jesus, thank you for all of the blessings that You have given me today. I ask for Your forgiveness for all of the mistakes that I have done in the past. Please help me in all that I do in the future.

TMJ 13 (08/08/13)

Dear Jesus, I am sorry for all of the things that I have done in the past that may have offended You. Thank you for always being there for me and for forgiving my mistakes. I ask that You may continue to guide me as the first quarter is about to end.

TMJ 14 (08/15/13)

Dear Jesus, I ask for Your help tomorrow and for the following days as I start my QT’s. Please forgive me for the times that I made mistakes in the past. Thank you for always being there for me and for all the blessings You have given me.

TMJ 15 (08/27/13)

Dear Jesus, thank you for Your guidance during the QT week. I am sorry for all of the wrongs that I have done in the past and I ask for Your forgiveness. Please help me in all that I will do.

TMJ 16 (08/28/13)

Dear Jesus, thank you for always looking out for me and guiding me in all that I do. Please forgive me for the times that I have offended You. Please continue to help me in all that I do in the future.

TMJ 17 (09/03/13)

Dear Jesus, please continue to guide and help me in all that I do. I ask for Your forgiveness for all of the sins that I have done in the past. Thank you for all of the blessings that You have given me.

TMJ 18 (09/06/13)

Dear Jesus, thank you for all of the things that You have given me. Please continue to guide me in all that I do and help me resist temptations everyday.

TMJ 19 (09/09/13)

Dear Jesus, thank you for all that You for this day. Please forgive me for all that sins that I have don and I ask for Your help in all that I do.

TMJ 20 (09/10/13)

Dear Jesus, please help me in all that I will do today. Thank you for all of the gifts that You have given me.  Please forgive me for all of the things that I have done in the past.

TMJ 21 (09/12/13)

Dear Jesus, thank you for all of the blessings that You have given me this day. Please forgive me for my sins and guide me in all that I will do.

TMJ 22 (09/17/13)

Dear Jesus, please forgive me for all the wrongs that I have done before. Thank you for all of the gifts that You give me and I ask for Your help for the rest of the day.

TMJ 23 (09/18/13)

Dear Jesus, thank you for giving me this day. Please forgive me for all of my mistakes in the past. I ask for Your guidance as I take the ACET this Sunday.

TMJ 24 (09/20/13)

Dear Jesus, thank you for this day. Please help me in all that I will do. Please guide me in all things. I am sorry for all of my sins and I ask for Your forgiveness.

TMJ 25 (10/01/13)

Dear Jesus, thank you for today. I am sorry for the times that I have given in to temptation. Please help me in all that I will do and guide me so that I may make the most out of my SM Immersion tomorrow.

TMJ 26 (10/10/13)

Dear Jesus, thank you for the SM Immersion and the retreat. Please help me apply the things that I have learned from my experience to  my life.

TMJ 27 (10/16/13)

Dear Jesus, please forgive me for all of my sins. I hope that You can forgive me for my mistakes. Thank you for this day and I ask for Your guidance always.

TMJ 28 (10/18/13)

Dear Jesus, thank you for this day. Please continue guiding me in all the things that I do everyday. I am sorry for the times that I gave in to temptation to sin and I ask for Your forgiveness.

TMJ 29 (10/23/13)

Dear Jesus, thank you for all of the blessings that You have given me. I ask for Your guidance in all that I will do and for forgiveness for all of my sins.

TMJ 30 (10/24/13)

Dear Jesus, I ask for forgiveness for all of the wrongs that I have done. Thank you for this day and I ask for Your help in all that I will do this day.

TMJ 31 (01/08/14)

Dear Jesus, I ask for Your guidance and help this new year so that I may do well in all that I do. Please help me stay away from sin and follow Your will.

TMJ 32 (01/09/14)

Dear Jesus, thank you for all of the things that You have given me. Please help me do my best in school as it is already my last quarter in Xavier.

TMJ 33 (01/10/14)

Dear Jesus, please help me make the most of my last few weeks here in Xavier memorable and meaningful. Please guide me in all that I will do and please forgive me for all of my sins.

TMJ 34 (01/14/14)

Dear Jesus, thank you for all of the blessings that I have from You. I pray that I may see You in all that I do so that I may be reminded to do good in all my acts.

TMJ 35 (01/21/14)

Dear Jesus, please forgive me for all of the times that I have not acted according to Your will. Please help me so that I may change and do better in the future.

TMJ 36 (01/23/14)

Dear Jesus, thank you for all that You have blessed me with. I ask that You may continue to guide me in all that I do and keep me from harm and temptation.

TMJ 37 (01/27/14)

Dear Jesus, thank you for this day. I pray that You may be able to help me make the most out of this day and do my best in all things. Please continue to guide me in all that I will do.

TMJ 38 (02/04/14)

Dear Jesus, please help me in everything that I do so that I may do them according to Your plan. Thank you for all that You have given me and please forgive me for my sins.

TMJ 39 (02/05/14)

Dear Jesus, thank you for everything that You have given me. Please help me do my best in all that I do and I ask Your help to turn away from temptation and sin.

TMJ 40 (02/06/14)

Dear Jesus, please forgive me for all the times that I have not been able to follow Your will. Please help me in all that I will do in the future and thank you for all that You have given me.

TMJ 41 (02/13/14)

Dear Jesus, thank you for all of the help that You have given me in all that I do. I pray that You may continue to help me and keep me away from temptations.

TMJ 42 (02/14/14)

Dear Jesus, please help me in all things that I will do. I thank You for all of the blessings that You have given me and I ask forgiveness for the times that I have offended You.

TMJ 43 (02/21/14)

Dear Jesus, thank you for the blessings that You have given me this past school year. As my days in Xavier draw to a close, I ask for Your guidance so that I will be able to make the most out of them.

TMJ 44 (02/26/14)

Dear Jesus, I ask for Your help in all the assessments that I still have to finish this week. I hope that I will be able to finish all of them. Also thank you for the blessings that You have given me over the weekend.

TMJ 45 (03/03/14)

Dear Jesus, thank you for this last year of my stay in high school and for all of the lessons that it has taught me. Please help me make the most of my experience and live these out as I graduate from Xavier.

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